YES] 01/02/2010: Linda from Cocoa, Florida writes: "H pylori - I suffered with this for twenty-odd years of my weight to 100 pounds, and I could not keep food down early .. Nobody knew what it was ... Then in 1983 my doctor put me on antibiotics and bismuth tablets three times daily for 30 days after endoscopy. It worked, and I have never been returned. All tests confirmed that he will never return. "
02/11/2010: Tommy from North York, ON, Canada replies: "Hi, Linda, >> << Could you give me your email address or just give me the name of the doctor, so I called 'Contact with him because I think that 1 week of treatment is not enough to get rid of bacteria, thanks "
01/14/2011: Diane from Cleveland, OH replies:" .. Linda:
Please let me know what you took an antibiotic for 30 days and how often you take it to rid itself of H.pylori. I was on antibiotics, but the reaction and should be removed from it. Thanks for the info. Diana ...... "
04/20/2011: Amanda from Aberdeen, UK Aberdeen replied:" Hi, Linda
Could you tell me which antibiotic you gave, I was pylori. past, and it periodically. I suffer from chronic asthma, and when returning pylori, which she has at the moment, I feel so bad, and just feel that I do not want to live, and I tried to eradicate this terrible bacteria forever. Does anyone know if you can test stool antigen to your doctor, I asked my GP, and they will only spend urea breath test, but only by a consultant who then takes weeks to organize and I can t wait that long I in such despair. pylori was better and I felt better but not 100% but better than I was, then she returned. HELP! Sincerely, Amanda "
06/03/2011: Erin from Lincolnton, Nc says:". Hi Amanda, >> << I'm sorry to hear about your condition, unfortunately, I was told that the breath test is the only accurate test for H. Pylori. other tests only a waste of time and money. I had strange symptoms in the last year and felt awful, so I'm thinking about switching to a trial. My father swears up and down that I H. Pylori but we will see, I hope you soon feel better Try to hang out there you're not alone .. Erin! ".
07/01/2011: Bill from Hartford, Connecticut, USA replies: "Hi, Linda,
Please tell me what you take antibotic for 30 days, but in peptol / day I had a reaction to the heavy barrage multipal antibiotics to try new regiment 07/05/2011:? .. Sarah US-Italy from Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy, USA replies: "Hi, I found that the H Pylori about 21 days ago from meeting each other for lunch, which we defined as a single stomach - it said she was H. Pylori, and suggested I get tested on it. Doctor prescribed stool test - so it was very embarrassing, but a few weeks later he returned to positive HP. I was at 14 days: 4 amoxicillin / day, 2 Biaxin / day and 2 Nexiums / day (I still took 2 Nexiums / day), although I was on antibiotics for about 7 days. My symptoms were persistent bloating, fullness (even first in the morning when I get out of bed), nausea - Z of antibiotics I had pretty severe pain in the stomach. Also, I wanted to get a sense of burning / tightness in my upper abdomen (above the navel under the sternum), but feeling so much discomfort. It took 21 days, and although I have good days, I get extremely bloated and nausea. I read a lot about Peptol Bismol, so he took some pills. I do not take them consistenly every day, but I'm willing to try anything to speed up recovery. I do not want to OD on them, but it may take 3 days, but not sure how many chewable tablet reaches deep into the abdomen. I read that it's not so easy to cure - to my doctor went back to the States, she placed the order for re-testing in about a month after the antibiotics. I hope and pray I recovered from this parasite, because it has made my life so uncomfortable. I read that bismuth can kill the virus, so I took 14 days antiobiotics, I hope this is true, and I should probably double on de Peptol Bismol. Heck, I wonder how in the world, I came down with this parasite! I lived abroad (2 years in Japan, and is currently in Italy for 2-3 years). Does anyone know if this HP also causes bad breath (or halatosis?). Also, I wonder if my husband should be examined because his breath stinks, but he has no issues such as the abdomen, but I've read, it is contagious. Your ideas, input and advice and help appreciated! "

07/06/2011: Maria from Dzhipslend, Australia replies:" Oh, Sarah, great as it can cause very bad breath. Check the hour. Pylori Disease page here on the EU, because there are some funds that people have had success. My husband had success with colloidal silver. Also note turmeric. If you take a couple of vehicles, as well as your currant treatment you can have much better results in the long run. All the best. "
07/09/2011: Matt from San Diego, California, USA says:" Over the past 2 years I had H. Pylori my doctor for a year strattera without prescritpion said that I had acid reflux and omeprazole was that for a bit I think it helps me, but later discovered that it was worse. I changed doctors and eventually get an endoscopy that was my problem. April 2011 my doctor put me on omeprazole amoxicillin clarithromycin for 2 weeks and the symptoms are gone. I stool after my 2 weeks of treatment and did not hear that, that I was right? A week ago I started to feel the same problems as before, abdominal pain, fatigue, etc.. I need to schedule another job and go back, but I do not want to take medication if it does not help me. I read some people are natural remedies available, but not sure which ones are effective .. Any answers? at least 8 weeks to kill helicobacter
That proved to be effective? email sdguy2202 @ Yahoo. com Thank you! "
07/26/2011: Andrew from Aberdeen, UK replies:" Hey, Amanda, try Metametrix American company for feces. U can order their stomach Microbiology 2105 test rS145 through food geeks in the UK and they will send the results to your GP. Tests based on DNA and therfore should be very sensitive and accurate. it takes about 3 weeks in all-in. "
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