Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Individuals diagnosed with stds should be avoided ...

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), also called

(VD), diseases which are contracted in the presence of sexual contactvaginal, oral, anal or sexwith, who already has the disease. Because STD can be passed without any symptoms, the term

infections, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are increasingly used to include infections that are transmitted without evidence of disease. You can pass some STIs through intravenous drug use, as well as during childbirth or. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (), about 19 million new cases of infection through sexual contact takes place every year, about half of them young people aged 15 to 24 years. Although considerable progress has been made in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of STDs in recent years, these infections remain a serious public health problem in the United States. In addition, it is assumed that STDs result in $ 14. 7000000000 in direct medical costs per year. These diseases can be treated and often cured. Caused by infection. Caused by Neisseria gonorrheae. Also known as "cotton".

Caused pale spirochete. Caused by Haemophilus ducreyi. Caused Calymmatobacterium granulomatosis. Also known as: << inguinal granuloma. Chlamydial infection caused by >>. Caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma Hominis. These diseases can be controlled but not cured. Once someone is infected with virus STIs, they are likely to always wear it. They are not always infectious, though. Caused by HIV. Caused by viruses. Caused. Caused by viruses. Caused by CMV, herpes family group and is transmitted through saliva and skin-to-skin, in addition to sexual contact. Caused by contagious virus called poksvyrusov clam. Caused, spread through saliva or sexual contact. (Itching) caused by different types. Caused by any of the species Candida, which

Candida Albicans is the most common. They are usually treated with drugs that kill parasites. Caused Phthirius pubis. Also known as "crabs."

Caused by Sarcoptes scabiei. It may also be transmitted without sexual contact. This usually can be treated with antiprotozoal drugs such as. Caused vaginal Trichomonas. Many STDs are asymptomatic. Symptoms vary in different types of STDs. Some common symptoms include:

Anal itching, pain or bleeding

mild joint pain and muscle pain

STDs are caused by infectious organisms, parasites, and. They are transmitted through sexual contact and can be transmitted by sharing

or bodily fluids such as semen or saliva from a person infected sexually. Other STDs differently transmitted between people. bacterial cultures (for bacteria), tissue culture (virus) infected bodily fluids or tissues

tests to detect immune response to a pathogen (for Western blot, RPR for syphilis)

molecular tests that detect DNA or RNA () the infectious agent. If a person has one STD, they are at risk for additional STDs. If testing is performed for a single test, such as gonorrhea, it should also be made for other STDs that can not be more symptoms, such as HIV / AIDS, and. Many STDs can be treated with medication. Bacterial STDs such as gonorrhea or chlamydia are usually treated with a single dose of antibiotics. Viral STDs like herpes, incurable and often require treatment taken during an outbreak or on a regular basis to prevent outbreaks. Treatment may be in the form of tablets or ointments applied to the lesion. STDs can be prevented by avoiding sexual intercourse, avoiding the introduction purchase strattera of drugs and means of practicing "safe sex".:

Consistent use of condoms during vaginal, oral and communication >> << Having regular medical check ups, especially with a history of more than one sexual partner

Some STDs have long term consequences. Infections, gonorrhea or chlamydia can cause in women can lead to infertility. Treatment can lead to long-term neurological problems. Urethral infection in men, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, can cause. Some types of human papilloma virus infections are associated. Studies show that only 10% of infected women developed type of infection that can lead to cancer, and only a much smaller percentage of these women will go for development of cervical cancer years later. According to the CDC, chlamydia is the most common STIs. In 2006, 1,030,911 chlamydial infections were reported to CDC from 50 states and the District of Columbia. Gonorrhea is the second most often through sexual contact. Many people have difficulty coping when they learn that they have STDs. Emotion can be

to someone who had contracted the disease, regret episode that led to infection of STDs, fear of possible future health problems and future relations, and embarrassment by having an infectious disease that is transmitted through sexual contact. The intensity of the reaction changes when someone is diagnosed with curable (bacterial) compared with incurable (viral) STD. Individuals diagnosed with STDs should avoid unprotected sex, especially immediately after diagnosis and treatment before begun. Support groups can be great resources to explore treatment options and emotional support. Looking on the positive aspects of the disease is often very helpful. The disease is sometimes all that a person should make positive lifestyle changes and start to enjoy life fully and in more meaningful ways. Yahoo! Health:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shyfman M Castle PE, Jeronimo J, Rodriguez AC, Wacholder S. Human papilloma virus and cervical cancer. Lancet. 2007 September 8, 370 (9590) :890-907. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC:.

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