Ever wonder why many people are shocked when they learn from their doctors that they were from urine infection and yet together they were unaware of the condition? This resulting condition is known as asymptomatic bacteriuria. Bacteria in the urine cause the disease. The patient does not feel any type of symptoms, therefore, does not make it easy for you to understand that you have the force of infection. Urine is sterile and does not contain any type of bacteria. However, it may happen that sometimes the bacteria get into the urine. When this happens, nothing shall prevent or lead to blockage of urine flow, or the number of bacteria will grow and get to accumulate in the urine. As the number of bacteria growing in the urine, various infections of the urinary bladder, kidney and urethra can occur and cause harm to your body. Stones, tumors and increase the prostate in men common reasons to intervene in the flow of urine and strattera dosage cause bacteria in the urine to accumulate. However, asymptomatic bacteriuria is prone to women than in men. This is due to the fact that women have a shorter urethra than their male colleagues. This physiological feature makes it easier for bacteria from the genital area to reach the bladder women. It is believed that this phenomenon occurs during such activities as sexual intercourse. Pregnant women are considered at high risk when they saw that the bacteria in the urine. The condition can cause them to go into early labor and due to the fluid exchange during birth, a newborn baby can become infected by bacteria. To prevent this, the future mother regularly get antibiotics every time she goes to her prenatal checkups. Once you have been diagnosed with bacteria in the urine, the doctor may decide to appoint antibiotics that may help in treating this disease. This, however, believe that for a normal healthy person, treatment is needed and that the body's immune system enough to cure the infection itself. After treatment always advisable to undergo regular urine test with your doctor. This will help you and your doctor to always know whether the number of bacteria in urine that is recommended or not. What usually happens is that urine samples are asked by a doctor every week, and then they tested contain bacteria or not. When the doctor sees that there are growing model, the correct treatment, it is prescribed for you. If the pattern is normal, nothing is done. For patients who may have been a few cases, bacteria in urine, blood, or special X-ray of the kidneys is usually better to determine what the actual cause of the problem. Once the cause is known, the disease should be treated once and for all, especially urinary tract is infected. To avoid bacteria in the urine of women is always recommended to wear clothes made of cotton so that the correct type of ventilation in the urethra, drink plenty of fluids during the day and empty your bladder as often as possible to urinate when you get a chance. To avoid bacteria in the urine, body infections become in the past and, of course, guaranteed healthier lifestyle. .
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